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Timing is a company specialized in temporary work and human resources management. We have a set of services that seek to respond to the needs of our partners through quick, adjusted and effective solutions.

Our team has extensive experience in human resources management and brings together professionals specialized in the different areas in which we operate.

Our 24/7 availability, the training we provide to our human resources, the strict monitoring of all services and our demanding recruitment criteria make Timing your ideal partner.


Discover all the job openings we have for you!


Fast and Effective. We are the partner you are looking for!

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Latest News

Timing opens its first office on Madeira Island

The human resources company Timing has just opened its first office in Funchal. The company, which opened in 2015, wants to strengthen its presenc...

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Timing distinguished as Best HR Supplier

Timing was distinguished as the Best HR Supplier 2023, in the Temporary Work category, in the 12th edition of the initiative, promoted by the Port...

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«This is what Christmas is»: Timing joined 100 Refood users in a solidarity lunch

The objective was clear: “to help those who need it most”. Last Saturday, December 17th, the Algarve company Timing organized a solidarity Christm...

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TTL Job Edition still has the registration phase open until April 8th

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Job opportunities in:

Employment Areas

Industry & Production

Packing, Production Operation and Assembly Line, Machine Direction, Selective Collection, among other functions.

Restaurant & Hospitality

Chefs and Kitchen Helpers, Pantry, Luggage Handlers, Waiters, Housekeeping, Entertainment and Kids Club.

Administrative Services

Accounting, Customer Support, Reception, Human Resources, and Marketing.


Nursing, Nursing Assistants, Pharmacy and Social Action.


Bricklayers, Laborers, Machine Operators, Electricians, Plumbers, among others.


Gardening, Swimming Pools, HVAC Technicians and Hotel Maintenance.


Warehouses, Stores, Distribution and Transport.


Agricultural Operators and Food Engineering.

Timing Advantages

Skilled Workers

Skilled Workers

Rigorous selection criteria adapted to the reality of the client and training.

24/7 availability

24/7 Availability

Professionals always available, as well as Employee and Customer Support Lines.

Quick answer

Quick answer

Wide database, motivated and dedicated consultants and different areas/sectors.

No Bureaucracies

No Bureaucracies

We have a network of HR administrators ready to handle all employee-related documentation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Temporary Work consist in a contractual relationship between 3 agents:

a. Temporary Work Company;
b. Temporary Worker
c. Temporary User

It’s with the Temporary Work Company that the temporary worker signs the contract with, being the temporary work company responsible for the payment of wages, the payment of social security, tax and accident insurance. The Temporary Work Company is also reponsible for the selection of the temporary worker and for the folow up of work done by the employee with the user. The user, normaly is a company, and it’s where the employee will carry on the job related duties.

Oportunity: Access to the job offers in accordance to your skills and career expectations.
Motivation: We favor the integration and we create oportunities to do curriculum within our User Client.
Experience: Oportunity to be in contact with various segments of the market, integrating great projects in different bussiness areas, allowing you to enhance your skills.
Career: A good performance may give you the possibility of becoming part of our clients company’s board.
Legality: Complying rigorously with all the legal obligations, guarantees stability and security to our employees.
Payment: Payment guarantee of all monthly wages and of all proporcionals due by law.

The time depends on how many requests are made by the companies our clients.

Timing works in and with various activity sectors. In accordance with your work experience, training and personal motivations, we will provide you with a job solution, that best fits your profile.

Even though you are working side by side with the user company, your employer is always Timing.

The same ones that are made in normal contracts, such as, Accidents Insurance; Jobseeker’s Allowance (if you’ve worked suficiente number of days); All the ongoing Social Security benefits, as Timing processes all the payments necessary in accordance to your rights towards this identity (11% Single Social Tax).

The insurance company is whom suports the incidents costs of an accident. The temporary Work Company is responsable for the policy, except when, the user has disrespected the safety rules and of that, resolted in an accident, in that case being the user responsible and the Temporary Work Company is freed from any responsibility

Depending on the payroll closing dates:

‱ Forthnight payments
‱ First forthnight timetable period 1-15 – payment on the 30th or 31st
‱ Second forthnight timetable period 16-30/31 – payment on the 15th
‱ Monthly payments
‱ Timetable period from 21 to 20 – payment on the 30th
‱ Timetable period from 1 to 30 – payment on the 8th or 9th